Want to know the default communication styles of each of the Enneagram Personality types?
Communication is both speaking and listening. Knowing your communication style is helpful but seeing the 8 other types are even more enlightening.
How are you perceived when you speak? How do you interpret other? How does this lead to misunderstandings?
Does my way of communicating hurt my loved ones or those I interact with? How can I be heard and also hear?
Let me help you with that...
What: Communication Styles By Type
Cost: FREE
I have witnessed first hand how working with the energy and motivations of your Enneagram personality type helps to uncover unconscious behaviors. It is masterful in helping relationships. The relationship with yourself and with others - whether work or personal life.
Knowing the communication styles is a super helpful way to see how natural conflicts arise between the 9 different ways of seeing the world.
As a Enneagram and Sacred Purpose coach I would love to share this tool's insights to build better relationships.
Sandra Orndorff
Instagram @ennvisioncoach Facebook:@ennvisioncoach
Sandra Orndorff, ENNVision LLC
©2020 ENNVision